The shuttle brought me to the lot where my car was parked, and that’s when things got scary. While hoofing pass the parking isles breathing became a struggle. Would I even make it? Reaching the driver’s seat, I decided to just skip Urgent Care and go straight to the hospital. The wait in the E.R was about five hours until the shocking news was finally revealed. I was dying and would need an immediate blood transfusion. Uterine Fibroids had caused my blood levels to drop to a level 4. The normal level ranges between 12-13 and fatal is 7).
Over the next week an array of thoughts came to mind. 1) I was beating myself up for not wanting to do more with my day, but laziness wasn’t the cause of my great lack of energy. In fact, I’d planned to push myself harder by taking the stairs instead of the elevator more often. 2) I almost died for not wanting to leave biology class. Seriously, Biology??? 3) This one hit me the hardest. Had my life ended that day, my story would have been “She tried to catch up on bills.”
Flash forward two years. I’m the owner of the new JoyLife, LLC. We’re here for the people who want to make room in their schedules for joy today. What I learned is this: you can’t give 100% when you’re not at 100%. JoyLife, LLC has birthed JoyLife SPA. We’re about more than massages and facials. We’re about helping you see the importance of taking care of yourself. We’re about helping you understand that you’re your most valuable asset. We’re about helping you realize that your life needs you right now.
So, here we are at the start of it all. Let us help you live your JoyLife.